San Francisco

LGBTQIA+ Family Building

LGBTQIA+  Family Building

June is LGBTQ Pride Month!  Blue Ova joins the LGBTQ community in celebrating gay pride in San Francisco and throughout the country. We love supporting LGBTQ families on their family building journeys. We support with the fertility and conception process and throughout pregnancy and postpartum through acupuncture, massage and nutrition. 

Art Show at Blue Ova: 'Spring to Life'

Art Show at Blue Ova: 'Spring to Life'

Emily Huffman is a local artist, massage therapist and energy healer. Her vibrant paintings reflect the abundance of Springtime and the creative relationship between fertility and growth. In honor of Mother's Day, her art will be showing as part of Blue Ova's open house on Friday, May 6th from 5-7pm.  Blue Ova is focused on supporting women with their journey into motherhood, from fertility and pregnancy to postnatal health.



In my practice, I have worked with thousands of men and women on their journey towards parenthood.  Infertility is defined as the biological inability of a man or a woman to contribute to conception, but very few men or women are truly infertile. Most who have been given a diagnosis of “infertility” are merely out of balance.

Fertility challenges may be due to a female factor in one-third of the cases, male factor in another one-third, and in the remaining one-third of cases the cause may be due to both partners or fall under unexplained infertility. TCM can aid natural fertility in women and men, as well as provide complementary support to assisted reproductive cycles.