San Francisco Acupuncture for Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an amazing time for a woman, her partner and her family. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can ease a woman through the many physical and emotional changes that occur during each trimester of her pregnancy, and help to ensure a comfortable and healthy pregnancy.

At Blue Ova, our natural acupuncture for pregnancy support program is offered as a complement to conventional medical care for common issues and increased wellness during pregnancy. 

Under our method of care you are treated throughout your entire pregnancy approximately once a week. The purpose of this protocol is to help maintain your health during pregnancy and to assist in avoidance of possible complications such as fatigue, nausea, low back pain, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, gestational diabetes, breech presentation, and hyperemesis gravidarum. Further, acupuncture will continue to deliver more blood, oxygen, and nutrients to your growing baby helping to ensure a beautiful, healthy and well-developed child.